Project Manager:
Sebastian Strönisch
Digital thread-based Design of turbo Engines with embedded AI and high precision Simulation (DARWIN)
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Andreas Knüpfer
TU Dresden, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, University of Surrey
HPC Platform used:
CPU and GPU Clusters
In the joint BMWi Lufo VI project DARWIN, the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) and the Chair of Turbomachinery and Aero Engines (TFA) at the TU Dresden are working in cooperation with Rolls Royce Germany on the further development, application and validation of innovative digital simulation and design methods to improve the interdisciplinary understanding of engine systems. Work includes improving load balancing of highly parallelized coupled simulation codes, measuring surface roughness and wear effects and feeding them back into simulation models, as well as applying machine learning (ML) methods to predict flow fields.