NHR Women in HPC (NHR|WHPC) chapter

WHPC Chapter National High Performance Computing Alliance (NHR) (Germany)

Welcome to the newly established NHR Women in HPC (NHR|WHPC) chapter.
A chapter is an organisation that fulfills the WHPC mission locally and wants to support women and the vision of WHPC in their communities. Having identified regional needs and resources they set up a programme of activities.

Our Mission

With the NHR Chapter, we want to connect and support the NHR employees and users who are scientists at German universities, in line with our mandate. We also welcome all other scientists and supporters of WHPC who are active in Germany.

The chapter will help us build a broad and strong community and better promote diversity, equality, inclusivity and a supportive culture in NHR and throughout Germany.

Our Goals

  • We aim to actively support minorities and promote women professionals, students, researchers and faculty working in academia or industry in Germany.
  • Our focus will be on providing networking opportunities, support and resources (such as mentorship, travel grants and campaigns).
  • We specifically focus on advocating for gender equity initiatives within German HPC communities. Identifying challenges faced by women in HPC across different regions of Germany to gather insights, perspectives and feedback.
  • Based on regular feedback, surveys, reviews and evaluations from diverse perspectives, our chapter will ensure its long-term success and sustainability by continuously refining the chapter's activities, strategies, and initiatives, to ensure that they are realistic, impactful, and responsive to the needs of women in HPC in Germany.

Join us and become a member

> Register as a member of NHR|WHPC >

The call for member participation is open across all of the NHR centres and Germany in general. The membership application is free, quick, and easy!
Register at WHPC by selecting the chapter "National High Performance Computing Alliance (NHR) (Germany)". 
If you’re already an individual member of WHPC and want to affiliate with our chapter, you will be able to go to a newsletter and then update your membership and mailing preferences by clicking on the "update preferences" link at the bottom.

> Subscribe to our Mailing list >

Subscribe to the NHR|WHPC chapter members' mailing list and stay informed about the latest news.

To get involved in our chapter activities, you can attend our upcoming events and volunteer your skills and expertise by contributing to our initiatives, speaking at events, or mentoring others.

Chapter Representatives

 You can contact the representatives via whpc-orga@nhr-verein.de

Chapter Committee

  • Ayesha Afzal | NHR@FAU 
  • Dörte Sternel | NHR Office 

Chapter Representatives from every NHR Alliance Member in Germany

  • Ayesha Afzal | NHR@FAU
  • Anita Ragyanszki | NHR@ZIB
  • Bai-Xiang Xu | NHR4CES@TUDa
  • Charlotte Debus and Jasmin Hörter | NHR@KIT
  • Diana Göhringer | NHR@TUD
  • Michaela Kemper | PC2
  • Sarah Neuwirth | NHR@SW
  • Sandra Wienke | NHR4CES@RWTH
  • Stefanie Mühlhausen | NHR@Göttingen

NHR Office: Monique Drees and Dörte Sternel 

Upcoming Events

Chapter monthly meetings 

Every second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. CEST.
Next meetings: 

  • November 12, 2024
  • December 10, 2024

Announcement of the chapter inauguration at events

We plan to announce the inauguration of our NHR WHPC chapter at the following upcoming events, which will be done by one of our NHR WHPC chapter representatives.

Supercomputing Conference 2024 (Atlanta, GA | Nov. 17-22, 2024)
We are excited to participate in the following events at Supercomputing Conference 2024:
•    NHR|WHPC travel grants and one-on-one on-site mentoring will be awarded to five successful applicants
•    NHR|WHPC chapter talk at the WHPC Workshop 2024 https://womeninhpc.org/events/sc-2024-workshop
•    NHR|WHPC chapter meet-up with other WHPC chapters at the 1st WHPC Chapter+Affiliate Meet-Up

Previous Events

EuroPar | WHPC Audiorium >>

Madrid, Spain | August 30, 2024 at 10:30-12:30 a.m.

NHR Conference '24 >>

Darmstadt, Germany | September 09-10, 2024

Chapter first meet-up event with its members and JuWinHPC chapter 

online | August 29, 2024

We successfully held our first joint online event with all NHR|WHPC members and the JuWinHPC chapter. We had an open debate on providing support and opportunities for chapter members. Each participant introduced themselves, followed by a presentation of the NHR|WHPC chapter by Ayesha Afzal.

Proud and Strong in Computing Conference (PSCC) >> 

(online | June 24, 2024 at 4:10 p.m.)
“Women in HPC”, Keynote: Sarah Neuwirth

Chapter kick-off meeting

June 7, 2024

Chapter launch

The NHR Alliance is very proud to announce that we have become a Women in HPC (WHPC) chapter on May 24, 2024. We have now been fully onboarded with adding the chapter's name and mailing list on the WHPC website (Chapters & Affiliates Map, WHPC membership form) and adding chapter leadership contacts representing the chapter (Ayesha Afzal and Dörte Sternel) on the WHPC Chapters Committee (official WHPC chapter mailing lists and slack chapter channels).

ISC 2024 | Hamburg | May 14, 2024

We had an engaging discussion during the NHR Sofa Talk "Fostering Diversity in HPC" at the NHR booth.

ISC 2024
ISC 2024_SofaTalk_WHPC

NHR Conference '23 | Berlin | September 19, 2023

Panel Discussion "Women in HPC: Empowering future careers" with Tania Carlin

Women in HPC: Empowering Future Careers 2
Women in HPC: Empowering Future Careers 1