Konferenzen & Konferenzbeteiligungen

NHR Conference 2024 | 09.09.24 - 12.09.24 | Darmstadt

The annual NHR-Conference is aiming at promoting scientific exchange among the HPC-user community. Each year the focus will be on different scientific topics.
The NHR Conference ’24 will take place in Darmstadt. During the Scientific Part users of the NHR Centers will have the opportunity to present their projects in a contributed talk or poster session, and to exchange ideas with the consulting and operational teams of the NHR-Centers.

>>> Call for Submissions!
>>> Please submit your abstract until June 2, 2024 >>> More Information about Abstract Submission
NHR Conference 2024

09.-10.09.24 Scientific Part:
Keynote and Invited Lectures, Contributed Talk and Posters, Panel discussions

11.-12.09.24 NHR-Networking Part:
Workshops, Working Group Meetings, Networking

This year's topics:

  • Computational Engineering
  • Materials Science
  • Simulation & Artificial Intelligence



1st NHR-Conference | 18.09.23 - 20.09.23 | Berlin

Logo of NHR Conference '23

The annual NHR-Conference is aiming at promoting scientific exchange among the HPC-user community. Each year the focus will be on different scientific topics. In addition to the scientific discussions, users of the NHR Centers had the opportunity to exchange ideas with the consulting and operational teams of the NHR-Centers. The NHR Conference ’23 took place in Berlin (Scientific Part 18-19 Sept. 2023).

Book of Abstracts


• Atomistic Simulation •  Life Science •  Agent-based Simulation

Keynote Speakers

  • Helmut Grubmüller, MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen
  • Karissa Sanbonmatsu, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Mohammed AlQuraishi, Columbia University New York
  • Rob Axtell, George Mason University College of Science


NHR@ISC|21.-26. Mai 2023 | Hamburg



The ISC High Performance was a complete success! Our booth was always well visited and many inspiring discussions took place.
Over 60 ISC participants from NHR have contributed to the great success of our NHR booth.
Many thanks to all and we look forward to next year!

Here is an overview of our Sofa Talks:

The teams of the NHR centers actively participated in the program of the scientific conference:

NHR Atomistic Simulation Center Online Symposium 2022| 28./29.11.2022 | Online

  • with the beginning of 2021, eight (and now finally nine) National High Performance Computing (NHR) Centers have been established throughout Germany. The three NHR centers in Paderborn, Berlin, and Erlangen have a joint focus on atomistic simulations and as such form the Atomistic Simulation Center (ASCASC cordially invites you to attend this year's Symposium, taking place online on November 28-29, 2022 (afternoon). The meeting will cover a broad range of aspects and novel approaches in the context of atomistic simulation.
    To date, the following scientists have agreed to give a presentation at our event:
    • Fakher Assaad, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
      Hilke Bahmann, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
      Jörg Behler, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
      Benjamin Dalton, Freie Universität Berlin
      Juergen Horbach, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
      Christoph Jacob, Technische Universität Braunschweig
      Carolin König, Leibniz Universität Hannover
      Dominik Munz, Universität des Saarlandes
      Markus Reiher, ETH Zürich
      Karsten Reuter, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max Planck Gesellschaft Berlin
      Gerhard Stock, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
      Roya Ebrahimi Viand, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max Planck Gesellschaft Berlin
      Marcus Weber, Zuse Institut Berlin
  • For more information, please see: http://tiny.cc/ASC22

    The symposium is free of charge, but we kindly ask you to register:

Inauguration of the NHR Center for Computational Physics | 07./08.11.2022 | Online

We would like to invite you to the two-day inauguration symposium of the computational physics center on November 7/8. The computational physics center is an initiative of the NHR (National Alliance of High-Performance Computing) which bundles the resources and competences of high-performance computing and makes them available to scientists of German universities. Experts from different fields in e.g. condensed matter physics, astroparticle physics or quantum chromodynamics, will present their research goals and numerical challenges to startup the computational physics center initiative. Further details, the timetable, and the registration page can be found at: https://events.uni-paderborn.de/e/nhr-phys-sym