
"Logo"The NHR Graduate School of the NHR Alliance awards up to nine PhD scholarships a year to doctoral students from all over the world. If you have a master‘s degree in computer science, mathematics, the natural or engineering sciences or an equivalent degree and are interested in High Performance Computing, this fellowship provides the perfect opportunity to pursue a PhD at one of our NHR Centers.

When is the next application deadline?

Applications for our next cohort can be submitted up to and including September 15, 2024. Funding starts on April 1, 2025.
Note: Even if the schoolarship starts later, the funding ends on March 31 of the respective year. 

 Application deadlineStart of fundingEnd of funding
>>September 15, 2024April 1, 2025March 31, 2028   <<
 September 15, 2025April 1, 2026March 31, 2029
 September 15, 2026April 1, 2027March 31, 2030

For which topics can I apply for?

All NHR Centers are affiliated with German universities which are internationally recognized in the fields of high-performance computing, numerical simulation and AI/ML. The thematic fields offered by each of the NHR Centers for the next application round will be available soon. An overview of last year's research topics is provided here.


What do you receive?

  • The scholarship is awarded for a maximum period of 36 months
  • Ph.D. students receive 2,200 EUR per month
  • Supervision by internationally renowned researchers: Get the chance to collaborate on groundbreaking research projects, pushing the boundaries of HPC and making a real impact in the field
  • Cutting-edge training: Gain access to first-class training programs and workshops conducted by renowned experts, who will equip you with the latest knowledge and skills in HPC
  • Six months of research outside the chosen focus at another NHR Center (Secondment) (More info: Secondment Guidelines)
  • Networking opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals, professionals, and researchers in the HPC community, and make valuable connections for your future career
  • Additional offers such as soft skills seminars, career coaching, and mentoring programs

Who can apply?

The NHR Alliance stands for equal opportunities. For this reason, we encourage applicants of all genders and backgrounds to apply for a PhD scholarship at NHR. 

  • Students who have completed a master's degree program in the fields of computer science, mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, or a comparable field
  • All applicants must meet the admission requirements for doctoral studies of the supervising NHR Center
  • Additional acceptance requirements may be specified in the subject-specific doctoral regulations. Only the information in the respective valid version of the corresponding doctoral regulations of the universities is binding


How can I apply?

The following documents are required for your application:
Please note that only complete received applications can be included in the selection of a PhD scholarship.

Required DocumentsDetails
1. Application FormPlease fill in the application form.
2. Letter of MotivationThe letter of motivation should have a length of 1-2 pages and should describe your academic and professional plans, as well as your motivation and scientific interests.
3. Curriculum VitaeYour CV should have a max. length of two pages and list the details of your education to date, together with your personal academic history, including academic credentials, publications, contributions or other significant achievements.
4. Research StatementThe research statement should comprise at least one page but at most two pages. Here you should provide a specific focus on your future dissertation and explain the underlying research project.
While you should be familiar with the research work of potential supervisors, prior contact with our faculty members is not required. Please explain in your statement which center might be suitable for you. If you name more than one preferred supervising center, please provide a ranking.
5. Academic / University TranscriptsYou must provide an official transcript of your degree or proof of an equivalent degree. If your transcripts are not in English or German, an official translation is required.
6. Proof of Proficiency in English

If you have completed your formal education at a school, college or university and have successfully completed English as a subject, you can submit an official certificate or a letter from the institution confirming this. This is sufficient as proof of your English knowledge.

If this is not the case, you must provide an official proof of your English proficiency in the form of one of the tests listed below:

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): Internetbased Test (iBT) minimum score of 79

IELTS (International English Language Testing System): minimum score 6,5 in the academic test

C2 Proficiency / CPE (Cambridge English: Proficiency) or C1 Advanced / CAE (Cambridge English: Advanced): minimum score 180 / Grade C.

7. Letter of RecommendationYour recommender must be a faculty member, a professor, or an university teacher who knows you well and can vouch for your academic abilities.
Note: We do not accept letters of recommendations submitted by the applicants themselves and the instructions for recommenders have to be followed!

How can I submit?

  • Please merge all required documents (from 1. to 6.) in one PDF file and send your application via email to
  • The respective recommender has to send the letter of recommendation (7.) directly to the above mentioned email address.
  • In both cases, use the reference: <Application NHR Graduate School>
    The file size should not exceed 10 MB.


Provided Files

Application FormInstructions for Recommenders, Funding Guidelines, Research Fields, Secondment Guidelines