National High Performance Computing

High-performance computing is a key technology in research and development and is now indispensable for dealing with complex issues in science and industry as well as for solving major societal challenges in many areas.

We bundle the resources and competencies of university high-performance computing and make them available to scientists at German universities free of charge. The NHR Alliance does not limit itself to providing computing capacities, but also supports users in particular by providing advice and training in the use of high-performance computing in their fields of application. Within the national network, our services are thematically diversified and can be used on a supra-regional basis. 

In the NHR Alliance, we jointly research the increase of efficiency, applicability and usability of scientific computing and continuously develop our competences further.

A particular concern for us is the promotion of young scientists. For this reason, the NHR Alliance has established its own graduate school, which provides both national and international young researchers with an optimal qualification in the field of high-performance computing.