
An unseren NHR-Zentren werden Forschungsprojekte aus allen Wissenschaftsbereichen gerechnet. Eine Auswahl finden Sie hier:

Project Manager:
Prof. Dr. habil. Sergei A. Klioner

Gaia Calibration and Relativity Tests

Principal Investigators:
Prof. Dr. habil. Sergei A. Klioner
TU Dresden
HPC Platform used:

The ESA Gaia satellite mission delivers ultra-high precision data for astronomy and fundamental physics. Converting the raw data to a usable form is one of the largest computational challenges ever solved in observational astronomy. The local astronomy group at TUD is responsible for the core computations, calibration and relativistic modeling of the data and part of the European Gaia data consortium. The usage of the local HPC system is absolutely essential for this work.

Project Manager:
Knut Vietze

Quantum Penomena in low-dimensional Nanostructures

Principal Investigators:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Heine
TU Dresden
HPC Platform used:

We explore new materials in the nanoworld, nanomaterials that behave different from what we know from daily life. For the first time we exploit the beautiful symmetry of crystal lattices with the rich diversity of molecular building blocks. Linked together in framework materials or two-dimensional polymers they form a new class of hybrid materials and offer the implementation of new concepts for catalysis without precious metals, high-efficiency hydrogen generation, and precision sensing, to name just a few. These developments have been made possible by the enormous power of the high-performance computing facilities at ZIH Dresden.

Project Manager:
Prof. Dr. Christof Schütte

Machine Learning and Simulation for pH-Dependent Opioids

Principal Investigators:
Dr. Markus Weber
HPC Platform used:

Strong painkillers (such as opioids) are essential to medicine. However, they are mostly addictive and have potentially deadly side effects. Simulation and machine learning techniques help in the search for tailor-made active substances that do not have these side effects. The interaction of the various algorithms raises questions about which computer architecture can support the calculations most effectively.

Project Manager:
Prof. Dr. Claudia Draxl

Deriving Trust Levels for Multi-Choice Data Analysis Workflows

Principal Investigators:
Daniel Speckhard
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
HPC Platform used:
NHR@Göttingen, NHR@ZIB: HLRN Clusters Lise and Emmy

Bringing data from various sources together, poses severe challenges to their interoperability. A prerequisite to using such data together, e.g. in machine-learning tasks, requires the assessment of the data quality. The project described here, aims at doing so by deriving trust levels for data from density-functional theory (DFT). A trust level shall be assigned for a material based on what approximation (density functional) and what numerical settings were used in the DFT simulation.

Project Manager:
Sebastian Strönisch

Digital thread-based Design of turbo Engines with embedded AI and high precision Simulation (DARWIN)

Principal Investigators:
Dr. Andreas Knüpfer
TU Dresden, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, University of Surrey
HPC Platform used:
CPU and GPU Clusters

In the joint BMWi Lufo VI project DARWIN, the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) and the Chair of Turbomachinery and Aero Engines (TFA) at the TU Dresden are working in cooperation with Rolls Royce Germany on the further development, application and validation of innovative digital simulation and design methods to improve the interdisciplinary understanding of engine systems. Work includes improving load balancing of highly parallelized coupled simulation codes, measuring surface roughness and wear effects and feeding them back into simulation models, as well as applying machine learning (ML) methods to predict flow fields.

Project Manager:
Prof. Dr. Maria Andrea Mroginski

Antifungal Peptides: Elucidating their Mode of Action via molecular Dynamics Simulations

Principal Investigators:
Prof. Dr. Maria Andrea Mroginski
Technische Universität Berlin
HPC Platform used:

Increasing fungal resistance to fungicides prompt the urge for developing new antifungal peptides (AFP). This computational study aims the elucidation of mode of action of two parental AFPs as well as a large set of novel chimera peptides. Specifically, we will identify interaction hot spots with the fungal membrane by performing classical all-atom molecular dynamics simulations using enhanced sampling algorithms of large fungal membranes – AFP complexes.

Project Manager:
Dr.-Ing. Cihan Ates

Designing Gas-Liquid Contact Reactors for Efficient CO2 Capture

Principal Investigators:
Karthik Muthukumar
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
HPC Platform used:

Gas-liquid contactors (GLCs) are one of the core technologies utilized in the chemical industry, which play a critical role for reactant conditioning, chemical conversion and separation processes. Within the scope of this project, we are developing a high-performance falling film reactors for CO2 capture via engineering the way CO2 in gas phase mixes with the liquid absorbent at the reactive gas-liquid interface (micro-mixing phenomena). The major impact of the study will be the performance increase at large scale, which would pave the way for the transition of CO2 capture technologies into practice.