I know my way around
I have used smaller HPC systems before and would like to know where to apply for compute time, what to look for, what has changed with NHR, and where to find information and guidance.
NHR - What does it mean for me?
What does NHR change for me?
Members of German accredited universities now have access to all NHR resources regardless of location, i.e., Tier-2 computers are no longer tied to their respective federal state. The NHR Alliance has agreed on a common set of procedural rules for awarding NHR resources, so the application process and deadlines for submitting applications may have changed. The NHR centers have also established application focus areas and have expanded the range of consulting and training services available at all centers.
How do I get computing time for my project?
Computing time is allocated according to a science-guided process for which an application must be submitted. Until the central application portal is established, applications must be submitted directly to the selected center. For further information please click here!
May I choose the NHR Center for my project?
Yes, under the restriction that the project can be run efficiently on the selected computer architecture and that the requested computing time is granted on the basis of the application. If there is no prior experience with the available hardware, an early contact with the center is recommended – preferably before submitting the application.
How long will it take before I can start my computational project?
All centers offer test projects with a short duration or limited resources that can be activated within a few days. The decision regarding approved resources should be available no later than three months after submission of a complete application – it should be noted here that resources for so-called major projects are allocated in a timed procedure (four submission deadlines per year, each three months before the start of the major projects).
How much does it cost to use a NHR Supercomputer?
Nothing – except an application. The NHR centers are funded by the federal and state governments and make their resources available free of charge to scientists at German universities. The distribution of this valuable resource takes place according to a science-led allocation process.
Where can I find NHR training/consultation services?
Events that are offered NHR-wide are offered via the mailing list nhr-announcements and published in the calendar. Events explicitly addressed to the users of a center are published on the websites of the centers.
Question not included or not answered?
Then please send the question to info@nhr-verein.de!
How do I say thank you for the computing resources provided by the NHR?
The appropriate Acknowledgements for the NHR Association can be found here!